looking for an inspiration

learning from what I find

Jan 6, 2010

Project. The Intro.

Ok.... so I just, literally just, had the greatest idea for a project that I've been meaning to do that this blog would be PERFECT for! SO my fav website is nymag.com, the fashion piece. And on one part of it, they have a huge list of designers, basically every designer people ever hear about. And I've always wanted to read up all of them, extend my knowledge. so imma use this blog to do it. Every day, or at least every other day... haha lets be honest... I'll post really a report on a designer until I'v posted about all of them. YES

So Requirements for each post/ Conditions:

- Alphabetical order is a must
- Cover at least five favs from at least one show
- Name
- Mini bio
- NO COPY PASTE, MUST type it out myself or I'll never learn
- MUST look up any terms or places or people i don't know that the profile mentions AND define them on the post
- I can still post about other things, like what I make, in between, So its not necessarily going to be all project all the time

and that's it!:) Project starts... TODAY
there are approx 582 designers on this.... ok so this might take over two years.... holy cow lol

Well! all the more to blog about:)
First post will be today, here goes


- kEyLyNne

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